

Application upgrades Q1-Q2 in 2022

Application upgrades Q1-Q2 in 2022

If you have an electronic device, be it a smartphone, iPad, computer or use software as a service (SaaS), it will require software upgrades and keeping up with the constant changes in technology. R18LabQMS is no different. Not only are there changes with technology but the potential annual changes to the AASHTO R18 Standard.

R18LabQMS is embarking on a useful significant upgrade to be released early Q2 along with beta testing.

Summary of upgrades 

Q1 – Version 2.2.1 launched

Senior Technician Role will allow the Senior Technician to navigate through the equipment inventory, which includes adding and editing equipment inventory and procedures. This was launched on January 14th, 2022, and more details of the login page can be found in application news.

Q2 Version 2.3.0 launch

PDF refactoring

Reasons why refactoring is Important:

  • Improves the design of the existing software code/application.
  • Make software easier to understand.
  • Makes finding bugs easier.
  • Makes the program run faster.
  • Provides greater consistency for users.

PDF shifting to AWS (Amazon Web Service): Currently PDFs are stored in a GDrive. AWS is a more reliable storage option, while still processing through Google Docs to generate the PDF from uploaded documents and reports created through the system. 

3rd party technician evaluator will incorporate the ability to add a 3rd party/outside evaluator as a dropdown option. This can be managed under the “Manage Lab” tab by adding the 3rd party, or start typing the name on the drop-down box. The name would then remain for future options. 

Version 2.4.0 launch

3rd party software updates:

This is done on an annual basis.

Application optimization

This was recently done under the “Reports” tab but is now continuing within the remaining areas of the application, primarily the “Inventory” tab.

Procedure forms

This upgrade will allow more flexibility when creating the equipment procedure forms within the application. When completed, users will be able to provide more content on a single page. Currently,  entire rows are used for a single form element. More details on this as we design and develop the new procedure forms. 

There are always small fixes – enhancements added on an ongoing basis. We are always listening to users while encouraging and welcoming any and all input. 

Criteria for upgrades

These are just some of the questions we look at when making decisions on upgrades.

  • Will the enhancement benefit a significant number of users?
  • Is the upgrade a need or simply nice to have?
  • Is it a requirement in the AASHTO R18 standard?
  • Did the accreditation body bring functionality to our attention as a need?

User question

Q: When taking a piece of equipment out of service, I noticed there is a place for comments along with the date when it was taken out of service. The only place I can find those details after the fact is under the “Procedure History” tab, then going to the category, then finding the equipment, a long process if you know where to look. Is there a better way?

A:  Great point! After looking into this issue, the user made a great point of not being able to easily find the out-of-service records. Solution: we are exploring having a tab placed in a location making it easy to find the equipment service records. Solution: Inventory tab/view/tab on the left ‘Service Records’ under edit info and procedures. This minor upgrade is a great example of benefiting all users.

Resources and Training Opportunities

Once you work through the setup process, the following links can be found in the lower right-hand corner of the application;

  • Support
  • R18 Blog
  • Virtual Training (1 hour or less, no fees), contact us for an appointment
  • Extensive Virtual Training – Fee-based, please inquire.
  • 1 Full Day in your lab onsite – Fee-based, please inquire.

Upcoming meetings

All travel to industry meetings will be assessed on their scheduled dates, 2022 is looking good.

Please check out our most recent promotional R18LabQMS video that debuted on social media and at the 2021 AAPT Annual Meeting in Nashville.

For all questions regarding your quality management system, whether your lab is accredited or not, please contact us and learn how R18LabQMS can add value to your company.

One last favor to ask if there is a specific topic or discussion you would like to see in upcoming blogs entries please send us a note!

Gary Irvine
R18 LabQMS Program Manager
