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User Guide – 4.4 Center Column


  • Organizational Chart; within this widget, you can manage and view as well as under section 9 of this guide, Users and Organizational Chart where you can get a detailed description and guide on functionality and features.
  • Equipment Procedures; by clicking View you can manage, create, and edit all equipment cal/check/standard/maintenance procedures. Once equipment procedures have been created they can easily be added to your equipment under the Inventory Tab. Create new equipment procedures;
    • Click + New Equipment Procedure on the upper right, a form will pop out on the right to completed (red items with an * are required fields). A couple of items to note on this form;
    • Procedure Name; provide a unique name that’s descriptive and easy to find when adding to your equipment at a later date; description may include an edited version of the same basic procedure.
    • Procedure Type; indicate if the procedure is a calibration, Check, Standardization,, or Maintenance procedure, often referred to as cal/check/stand/maintenance.
    • Procedure ID; be sure and have unique and descriptive procedure ID for each procedure. Example; the first letter can describe the type of test equipment, A (aggregate), followed by a numeric value, followed by another descriptive Letter, M for Maintenance, A-1001M. Just have a naming convention that you’re familiar with and adopt.
    • Frequency in months; this should reflect the minimum requirements in AASHTO R18 listed un ANNEX A—EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION, STANDARDIZATION, CHECK, AND MAINTENANCE TABLES following section 6. The frequency that’s included here will determine when the next due date will appear on your Dashboard based on the date the procedure was completed.
    • Reference Standards; clicking within this box, you will find a listing of standards or you can type in to find. List as many as needed.
    • Upload In-House Procedures (Optional); this is where “in-house” procedures can be uploaded, excel, Word, or custom procedures that have been created by your lab that you would like to continue using. When uploaded here, it will always be available as a “template” when initiating a procedure and is available in the upper right  corner of the procedure form, click to download. When completed, save and then upload to the R18LabQMS form template at the bottom by clicking Add File (blue box).
    • Description; optional information at the laboratory’s discretion.
  • Equipment Categories; within this widget, you will find 11 basic categories within the construction materials field of testing. These categories are established for the purpose of placing equipment inventory in their respective categories.
    • Add categories for your laboratory by clicking + New Category on the upper right; simply add category name on the top right, then click save on the lower right.
  • Lab Positions; within this widget, you will manage job descriptions specific to your company, i.e. Lab Manager, Lab Technician Level 3 for example. This will be information needed when adding users to your account. You can either View or Add from the widget. Clicking View you will see a complete listing of all current Lab Positions/job descriptions that have been added to date, you can also edit or delete, or + New Lab Position from this page. When clicking Add, this will take you directly to adding Lab Positions.
    • Add Lab Position Name (specific to your company)
    • Add Position Description within the WYSIWYG Box (what you see is what you get). By doing this here, it’s easy to review or see within the Quality Manual (tab) as opposed to adding a file. The rule of thumb should be if information needs to be freely shared or followed it should be provided within the WYSIWYG box, in this case it’s a requirement set forth within the AASHTO R18 Standard and required, but not a procedure that lab staff needs to follow. Conversely, in areas of the Quality Manual that’s more instructional in the case of a training procedure it’s best to be within the WYSIWYG box for easy access. Upload job position file by clicking select file, then select and add.
  • Measurement Standards; within this widget, you will find a listing of all laboratory equipment that is used as a Measurement Standard, non-working instruments that are used exclusively for in-house calibrations. Measurement standards are tagged when adding to the equipment inventory at the bottom of that list (detailed under section 5 Inventory). No action can be taken within this widget; it’s more informational with the exception of being able to view/download the most current calibration record.
    • View Measurement Standards calibration records by clicking the link under the Procedure Name column
  • Test Methods; within this widget, you will find a comprehensive list of all test methods within the construction materials category; The Standard Title, AASHTO, ASTM, State, and other entities associated with test methods. Please note you can add test standard ID’s for state and other columns.

In addition to being a great reference for test names and standards, this table is used primarily when conducting the technician training and evaluation forms. The test category and test within that category is selected; all information is documented as you complete your technician training and evaluation records. This process is detailed in Section 8 Evaluations. You can also add reference standards when creating cal/check/standard/maintenance procedures, this process is detailed in section 5 Inventory. Features within this widget;

  • Sort each column by clicking the column title, dark blue.
  • For laboratories that subscribe to AASHTO or ASTM Compass web based services with access to test standards, click the top column title to access the login pages.
  • Test Method Categorieswithin this widget, you will find 11 basic categories within the construction materials field of testing. These categories are established for the purpose for employee training records in their respective categories.
    • Add categories for your laboratory by clicking + New Test Method Category on the upper right; simply add category name on the top right, then click save on the lower right.
  • State Designations; within this widget, you can add a test standard (designation only), example KY103, that can be added to a Test Standard Title that is done within the Test Standards Widget as described above.
    • Within the State Designation Widget, click Add, then add the new State Designation, then click Save on the bottom right.
    • Click View to see a complete listing of all State Designations, you can either edit or delete; you can also click here + New State Designation to add.  
  • ASTM Designations; within this widget, you can add a test standard (designation only), example D70, that can be added to a Test Standard Title that is done within the Test Standards Widget as described above.  
  • AASHTO Designations; within this widget,  you can add a test standard (designation only), example T315, that can be added to a Test Standard Title that is done within the Test Standards Widget as described above.